Did you know ?
Swimming is the most asthma-friendly sport of all, but cycling, canoeing, fishing, sailing and walking are also good, according to the experts.
Asthma need not hinder peak performance in sport. 1% of the US Olympic team were asthmatics and between them they won 41 medals.

Mabello Group of Clinics is one of the leading primary healthcare providers in East Coast Sabah as well as across the plantation dense and suburban areas offering a comprehensive range of primary healthcare services and solutions. Founded in 2013 by Dr. Mohamad Fikri bin Zanal Abidin and Dr. Chia Sia Cheng. All the clinics are mainly distributed along the east coast of sabah (plantation dense area). Mabello Group of Clinics was formed with the aim of developing an integrated network of primary healthcare practices to deliver quality healthcare services to the community in a cost -effective manner.

Today, Mabello Group of Clinics commands a wide network of clinics across Sabah supported by fourteen medical doctors who are experienced, qualified and able in managing patients of all age backed by 18 clinics. We also fuction as 1 Stop Solutions Plantation Medicine where we provide Outpatient Medical and Surgical Services, Plantation Visiting Medical Officer (VMO), Occupational Safety (OSH) And Health Consultancy and In-House Competency Courses Training.

Every medical need and minor emergencies can be dealt with in our facility without the need to transfer the patients to another facility. We are equipped with all the basic needs to handle most cases. The services that we provide are clinics services, health screening, imaging, respiratory treatment, laboratory test, plantation medicine, In House Compentency Courses Training, OSH Consultancy Services and Foreign Worker Medical Examination Services.
Mabello Group of Clinics is a progressive medical group dedicated to provide excellent, efficient, comfort and affordable service to patient. We are also committed to provide comprehensive and affordable Plantation Medicine Services including Medical, OSH, VMO and inhouse competency training services.